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Letters about Dr. Rowsemitt's and Dr. Najarian's two papers
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Letters about the hypothesis paper and case reports by
Thomas Najarian, MD and Carol N. Rowsemitt, PhD, RN, FNP

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Please also note something else: Most authors of letters unfortunately choose to submit the letters to Thyroid Science as written "anonymously." That means, of course, that despite the value of the person's comments, the writer declines to submit his or her name. Both patients, physicians, and researchers are among those who choose to write anonymously. If you chose to do this, please accept our apologies for still publishing in what my brilliant mentor Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD described in the late 1980s as "the dark ages of medicine."

Were Dr. Mendelsohn still with us, he would clearly see that we have not advanced a jot from the darkness; in fact, we have sunken further into the dark vat where expressing what we have learned to be true is likely to bring upon us verbal abuse, other punishments, pain, and banishment from our commitment to do out best to relieve human suffering.

But alas! Despite suppression, freedom prevails in varieties of sectors today. We hope you will avail yourself here at Thyroid Science as one of those sectors. We are grateful for any insights and opinions you share with our authors, subscribers, and editors—disregarding whether you chose to write anonymously or not.



Subject: Euthyroid patients: Many are harmed by thyroxine therapy
Date: June 20, 2010
From: Author prefers anonymity

June 20, 2010
I am a general practitioner in the UK. Many of my patients have told me that they recovered from their hypothyroid symptoms after they found a private doctor who treated them with thyroxine despite their normal TSH levels. These patients had been denied thyroxine treatment by doctors within the National Health Service because of their normal TSH levels. So many patients have told me this that I have developed reservations about ruling out hypothyroidism and the need for thyroxine therapy based on a normal TSH test.

Many more of my patients with normal TSH levels ask me to prescribe thyroxine or Armour Thyroid. I am hesitant to comply because of the Royal College of Physicians' statement about adverse effects from unnecessary thyroid hormone therapy. May I have your point of view on the potential for adverse effects from thyroxine treatment when patients do not actually need it?

Dr. Lowe: I'm familiar with the statement you refer to by the Royal College of Physicians. Specifically it is: ". . . some patients are inappropriately diagnosed as being hypothyroid (often outside the NHS) and are started on thyroxine or other thyroid hormones which will not only cause them possible harm . . ." (Italics and bold mine.)

Like too many other statements or implications by the Royal College of Physicians, when applied to the general population, this one is patently false.  

Unless you're a geriatric specialist whose patients are among the most fragile of human beings, even if they don’t need supplemental thyroid hormone, a trial of thyroid hormone therapy is harmless. If the hormone doesn’t help them, you can wean them off it and then have them stop it altogether. No harm done!

Proof of this is in the history of FDA-guided studies of the potency and stability of T4. To test T4 for potency and stability, researchers—using FDA test guidance!—have traditionally used volunteers who were "euthyroid," meaning, of course, that they subjects had normal thyroid function test results. Moreover, FDA test guidance has allowed researchers to use euthyroid volunteers to test higher-than-physiological (supraphysiologic) doses of T4.

I ask the Royal College of Physicians: If T4 were likely to harm euthyroid volunteers, why would FDA-test guidance allow researchers to use them for the testing? And why would institutional review boards approve the studies as not potentially harmful to the volunteers?

The answer is simple, of course: A trial of thyroid hormone therapy—even for people with perfectly normal thyroid function—is harmless, even when they use supraphysiologic doses.

Only recently have researchers suggested that rather than testing euthyroid volunteers, they would best use thyroidectomized patients. But the researchers'  reason for this suggestion has nothing whatever to do with any harm ever done to euthyroid volunteers in the studies. The testing hasn't harmed the euthyroid volunteers, nor will a trial of thyroid hormone therapy harm practically any of your euthyroid patients except possibly the most severely fragile of them. But, then, a cup of coffee is just as likely to harm those fragile folks.

I just don't understand something: How does the Royal College of Physicians (as with this particular issue) and the British Thyroid Association make scientifically false statements and stand by them in the face of proof that they are false, yet receive no official reprimands from regulatory authorities in the UK? To me, their false statements are an affront to the noble tradition of science, and the organizations sticking by their false statements in the face of refuting evidence reduces the statements to examples of pseudoscience.

At any rate, I hope this reply is helpful to you in providing your patients with harmless trials of thyroid hormone therapy, whether they truly need it or not.


1. Royal College of Physicians. The diagnosis and management of primary hypothyroidism. 2008.

Subject: TSH is Not the Answer: Drs. Rowsemitt & Najarian
From: Writer prefers to stay anonymous
Date: Tue, July 26, 2011 9:41 am

Dear Dr. Lowe,

I'm glad that there are researchers and doctors that continue to work on Hypothyroidism. Over the years, I have continued to follow your website (I have your first book). You might be interested in my experience with TSH and the thyroid hormone.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease in 1984, but did not take thyroid hormone until 1999 when I went from doctor to doctor for almost 2 years to find out what "disease" I might have. I had terrible symptoms of pain in my legs, numbness, not being able to think clearly, and generally not being able to walk without a cane. I was 51 and done with menopause, but doctors said that anti-depressants would help my "menopause symptoms," I threw them out because I wanted to get rid of the pain, not cover it up in "la la land."

After I was at least diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I found another doctor who prescribed Armour Thyroid, initially in tiny doses. (Synthroid did nothing for me. My TSH was 22.) This went on for months with the doctor increasing the dosage up to average. I still had symptoms that prevented me from working for 5 years. I lost a lucrative career and most of my life.

My symptoms would not subside (fibromyalgia, pain, could not get up from a sitting position, etc.). One day, I was sick of living with the pain and weakness. I decided to increase my dosage of Armour Thyroid to see if the excruciating pain in my legs would lessen. I honestly didn't care if I got a heart attack from it. I wrote a will before taking the dose. To my amazement and relief, I did not die, nor did my heart beat faster. The pain in my legs lessened. I continued increasing the dosage weekly until I felt o.k., not great, but able to function.

I was able to get a job in 2004 as a teacher, which keeps me very active during the day. I have been taking the dosage of 450 to 540 mg. of Armour Thyroid for 8 years. I am 62 years old, my blood pressure after medication is 120/76 and my heart rate continues to be normal. Even my Endocrinologist is surprised...he constantly tells me to take less medication, (He won't even prescribe the dose I'm taking . . . he writes "Take as Directed."

Finally, I have my life back. Thank you for your work.

An anonymous author

Subject: TSH is Not the Answer: Drs. Rowsemitt & Najarian
From: Best keep low profile because of you-know-who!
Date: Tue, July 26, 2011 10:08 am

Hello Dr. Lowe,

My GP has decided to slightly lower my T3 prescription from 15 mcg-to-10 mcg.
I have noticed that my religiously consistent exercise and diet regime has slightly affected my weight. He decided to do this as my T3 reading was heading for the high range. He thought I was slightly overdosing. In spite of this, I feel I need to be on 15 mcg so I'll print out this article for him, although I wish I had Dr. Rowsemitte's and Dr. Najarian's wisdom to work with.
Weight loss is difficult enough. As a hypothyroid patient (and 5 years post menopause), anyway, and If I had been exercising and dieting like this in my 20s and 30s I would probably be underweight. As it is, I am only just on the right side of the body mass index (high) for my height.
Regards and thanks for the articles by Dr. Rowsemitt and Dr. Nagarian.

Self protection through silence . . . С:

(Rather than responding directly, this writer instead linked to Dr. Lowe's introduction to and defense of Drs. Rowsemitt & Najarian's two published papers.)

Subject: TSH is Not the Answer: Drs. Rowsemitt & Najarian
From: I choose to abstain from divulging my name, for obvious reasons
Date: Fri, September 30, 2011 9:08 pm

Disagree with these two humane and brilliant doctors?
Too another look and alternate opinion.

Subject: TSH is Indeed Not the Answer: Praise for Dr. Rowsemitt & Dr. Najarian
From: A physician who lives in fear of quack endocrinologists.
Date: Monday, Date: Aug. 18, 2011 8:30 AM
To: Dr. John C. Lowe, LLC <>

Dr. Lowe: I sit in my medical office this morning shuttering the deceit I am forced to express to the quack endocrinologists who practice in my medical complex. If they were aware of how I rescue the patients they keep sick with their pseudo-scientific medical practices, they would arrange to have my license to practice medicine revoked. I have seen it happen.

Then I read this awe inspiring two papers in Thyroid Science by your champion of doctors and writers, Dr. Najarian and Dr. Rowsemitt. I wonder at how they have been able to survive to practice medicine in a world dominated by medical pseudo-science and quackery.  I wish I knew the magic they exercise, while those of us, such as myself, with student loans over our heads, mortgages, wives and college children hide in the shame that endocrinologists have forced us into.

Bless you, Dr. Lowe, for giving Dr. Rowsemitt and Dr. Najarian—glittering heroes of scientific truth!—an open forum to expresses what God and science have allowed them to see and express.

Subject: TSH is Not the Answer: Drs. Rowsemitt & Najarian
Date: Monday, July 28, 2011 10:44 PM
To: Dr. John C. Lowe, LLC <>

Dr. Lowe: Having known and worked with Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD, I believe he was right about so much that was so dreadfully wrong with mainstream medicine in his days. But of late, having studied the bravery and knowledge of extraordinary doctors such as Drs. Carol Rowsemitt and Thomas Najarian, including you and others like you, I believe much has taken a turn for the better since the time of our beloved Dr. Mendelsohn. Praise you all, and may the Lord bear with you all until sanity finally overcomes mainstream medicine and completely wins out.

As I still work in mainstream medicine, thank you for keeping my name private.


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